Providing Technology For Underserved Kids
Creators: Benjamin Heid & Caio Foreman
Technology skills are key for the future of any child born into this technological era. However, not all schools provide access to faculty or software that teach these skills or provide the necessary technology as a medium for their learning. Furthermore, 35% fewer US homes with children in underserved schools have access to devices or internet than those with children in affluent schools. With children attending underserved schools unable to find tech access both in school and at home, an alternative must be provided for them. This poster highlights local organizations in the Boston area that provide access to not only modern technology, but also the means in which to learn how to use those pieces of technology. If we expose youth to the resources and education that are provided by these organizations, they will gain the skills to succeed in school, internship opportunities, and future careers. Unequal opportunity in education is not solved here, but these organizations provide resources that combat the deficit created for kids as a result of it. Raising awareness for these local organizations, and encouraging children to utilize their resources will level the technological playing field for children in underserved schools in the Boston area.