Creators: Priyadarshani Bajracharya and Monica Jaffee
Education is known to be the key to success. The knowledge we are taught in schools follow with us throughout our lives. In the United States, there is a great emphasis on receiving not only a high school diploma, but a higher education. Yet, building schools for our children will not guide them to their success, providing proper funding for the schools will. It is specifically important to provide equitable public school funding. Massachusetts’s public school funding is outdated and negatively affecting those students in lower income schools. Currently, 70% of low income students in Massachusetts are below proficient in math in eighth grade. This poster raises awareness to our parents, who care the most for our children and their future, and encourages them to advocate for their children’s education. By providing equitable public school funding, we ensure that our children will be provided the proper resources they need in order to learn in a well-equipped classroom and have opportunities that will advance their skills and confidence to enter the world. Equitable public school funding for our children brings us a step closer to a better future for children, encouraging them to enhance their knowledge and to lead the world.
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