Creators: Angela Magin, Amanda Savona, Lissette Bermudez, Nora McGowan, Lena Gaultier, Jessica Carr, Madison Haywood, Maria Victoria Virasoro

This semester the Food Justice and Social Change class partnered with YMCA ILC Boston to conduct a series of research projects that would ultimately be used as a resource for both the YMCA ILC and the students it serves. Group 1 was tasked with the assignment to use information collected through interviews with program staff and publicly available data on the area around the YMCA ILC in order to identify the scope of food insecurity amongst YMCA ILC program participants. Group 2 was assigned to identify restaurants, grocery stores, nonprofits and charitable organizations that do food donation, and lay out what the protocol is for securing food donations for the YMCA ILC. Group 3’s assignment was to map/create a list of affordable restaurant and grocery store options in and around the YMCA ILC for its students, and Group 4 had the same assignment, but for nonprofits and charitable organizations.