Creators: Kelsie Lewis, Mikaela Cole, Shreyas Shaktikumar, Nicole Howard, Jamie Arena, and Matthew Enriquez
Course: Techniques of Program Evaluation (Yom)
Abstract: Through collaboration with Ryu Dan Empowerment Foundation, this plan provides a framework for evaluating the organization’s Sports+ program by strategically addressing the ways in which RDEF can continue to provide and improve their services in Trinidad and Tobago. Despite the toll that COVID-19 has had on organization operations, youth participants enrolled in RDEF need to continue demonstrating progress in managing their behavioral issues, improving their reading abilities, and increasing their leadership skills while adult participants need to continue demonstrating progress in self-reliance and improving family relations. We chose to represent our learning/partnership because this evaluation plan was designed and developing with the pure intention of offering assistance to an extraordinary community partner. The RDEF exists to enhance the lives of nationals as well as the large population of Venezuelan migrants by teaching fundamental skills and improving community resilience. This evaluation encompasses all the content covered in Techniques for Program Evaluation in order to provide the RDEF with data, feedback, and implementation suggestions.