Creators: Corey Dockser, Minho Sero, Nikita Demidov

Course: Information Presentation & Visualization (Borkin)

This artifact is a series of three interactive charts which visualize data from Bridge to Calculus, a tutoring program offered by the university’s math department for students from local schools to receive tutoring in calculus. We used attendance and recommendation data from Bridge to Calculus’ summer programs between 2016 and 2021; each student is given a recommendation at the end of the program telling them which class they are best prepared for. This is the recommendation data. Through our visualizations, we were able to see that the only students who received recommendations for higher-math programs, like AP Calculus AB or BC, had high attendance, while those who received the lowest recommendation had any level of attendance. In other words, attendance does not guarantee success but is a necessary component of it in this program. We also saw how the total number of students in the program has shrunk over time, and how attendance varies between schools.