Creators: Laetitia Gazay, Elizabeth Ronan, & Kelly Ward
Course: Information Presentation & Visualization (Borkin)
Our motivation for this project was to create useful data visualizations for the organization Bridge to Calculus (BtC). Bridge to Calculus is a Northeastern based organization that aims to prepare students for advanced math classes through a six week summer program in addition to teaching leadership and professional development skills. Bridge to Calculus sent us a pre and post survey conducted during their summer program, and we aim to use this data to create visualizations that empower the organization. We hope to summarize the program impact and measure student growth for this organization. In order to demonstrate program impact, our first visualization is a bar chart that can change based on different categories students were assessed on pre and post the Bridge to Calculus summer program. This Bar Chart demonstrates average rating in different categories to identify growth, and if there were any categories demonstrating decline. The second visualization is a scatterplot that utilizes brushing and linking to show average growth pre and post the program for each school. Finally, there are 3 additional visualizations at the bottom showing pre and post grouped bar charts for average rating by grade, race, and primary language. Each of these visualizations allows our community partner, Bridge to Calculus, to identify what areas they need to advocate for and to show to potential investors the impact their program is having on students.