Creator(s): Cassidy Pereira, Jeanna Saupin, Jessica Robinson, Samantha Pierre, Kate Norman
Course: PPUA6509 Techniques of Program Evaluation
My Life My Choice (MLMC) is a nonprofit organization that started in 2002 after the death of seventeen-year-old Latasha. Latasha, a victim of commercial sexual exploitation, was brutally murdered while living in a Department of Children and Families group home. Latasha’s death evoked members of her community to come together and determine the nature of her death. Since then, MLMC has established a survivor-led team whose mission is to end the commercial sexual exploitation of children.MLMC has recently established a Public Policy and Advocacy Department. This department is devoted to developing and implementing policy and advocacy strategies to prevent and respond to the commercial sexual exploitation of children, increase access to services for survivors, and lead work in systems change. Given that the department is in its early stages, MLMC has requested an evaluation plan to determine how successful the department has been in 1) increasing staff engagement in advocacy efforts and 2) passing legislation that aims to protect survivors of commercial sexual exploitation. MLMC has yet to develop a precise measure of success in the areas above. Therefore, this evaluation plan will help MLMC identify and establish the necessary tools to implement an effective and efficient Public Policy and Advocacy Department