Creator: Alexis Trattler
My service learning partner for the semester was the BCYF Family Gym. The Family Gym is a place for children and their parents to come and play in a safe indoor space with Northeastern students. This is a brief reflection on my time serving there.
I completed my service-learning at the BCYF Family Gym. The Family Gym is a place for parents and their kids to come and play in an indoor space with students mostly from Northeastern. At the Family Gym we have lots of activities for parents and their children to do including jump roping, a slide, parachute, obstacle courses and different sports. I chose to do my service-learning at the Family Gym because I like working with young kids and I am also interested in nutrition.
I was able to walk to my Family Gym site and through this I was able to get to better know the community of Roxbury. At the Family Gym, we start our Saturday mornings off with free play where the kids and their parents get to play with the Student Activity Leaders and all the equipment we have. After free play, we clean up as a group and then sit in a circle to talk about nutrition and then play a group game about the nutrition topic we learned about that day. I am grateful to have been able to do my service learning at the Family Gym because I was able to perform direct practice and have a unique experience of teaching about nutrition.