Creators: Adam Bubanich, Rholee Xu and Jesse Kallins
Course: Advanced Chinese 2 (Dong)
Abstract: These are flyers that showcase the students who are participating in the weekly conversation sessions with Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly, as well as the Zoom information for the sites and the day/time of their sessions. The purpose of the flyers was to help with recruitment efforts of older adults, who speak Mandarin to the conversation sessions with the students. In the past, residents at the sites expressed that it was nice to see, who the students participating in service-learning were, as it made them more interested in joining. At the start of service, there was a lack of older adult turnout to our sessions, due to many of them not being comfortable with using technology. However, the students’ efforts with making these flyers helped to increase older adult turnout and they were able to have fulfilling conversations with them!