Creators: Minghui Cheng, Julia DiPinto, Carlo Dugo, Julia Geller
Course: DS4200 Information Presentation and Visualization
Massachusetts Avenue is one of the main thoroughfares of Boston, MA, containing businesses, parks, college campus, commuter rail stations and so on, which is almost everything of a city. Our main goal of this project is to help the Mass Ave Coalition better know the businesses on the Mass Ave, so that they can have an idea how to support them and to attract more people to the Mass Ave. We firstly gathered and cleaned up the datasets that are related to the businesses and could influence the stakeholder impact levels of the businesses. Then we made interactive visualizations to find what are the factors that would have influence on the stakeholder impact levels. Finally, we summarized the observations and presented it to the Mass Ave Coalition to help them better know and support the businesses on the Mass Ave.