Creators: Isabel Silva, Vaughn Luthringer, Mirah Gordon
Course: DS4200 Information Presentation and Visualization
Our final project centers around the data collected at the Mass Ave Coalition Fall Festival and is first and foremost a data exploration project. Festival-goers who visited the Northeastern booth had the opportunity to respond to three prompts to provide feedback about the neighborhood, simultaneously providing data for use in this project. Festival-goers could give feedback about their favorite things in the neighborhood, the things they would like to see improved, and something they would like to see added to the neighborhood. With this data, the goal of our project is to provide insights to the team at Mass Ave Coalition regarding community members’ perceptions of their neighborhood.
As an organization, Mass Ave Coalition hasn’t utilized a pipeline for receiving large amounts of neighborhood feedback. The Northeastern booth at the Fall Festival served as a fantastic way to gather a large amount of data from community members. As students, our coursework has given us the tools we need to analyze this data and glean impactful conclusions. With these insights, Mass Ave Coalition can call on the City of Boston and other bodies to address neighborhood concerns and feedback. As a team, we give the organization the resources to create positive change.