Creator: Luke Lange
Course: ENGW1114 First-Year Writing with Service-Learning
This artifact here is an op-ed about social media and its addictive effects on humans, primarily this generation. It talks about the science behind it and relates it to the opioid epidemic that we are still recovering from to this day, as well as illustrating how the consumer is being exploited to make a profit. I chose this to represent my learning because of the connection to the clients I work with. I work with high school students, who are on the front lines of this new addiction epidemic, and it is something that I noticed with them as well as myself. I also chose this because schools like English are trying to fight this issue with all different kinds of things that keeps students’ phones away, such as little pockets called Yondrs. This is particularly important due to the amount of time we are spending on our phones, and it also contributes to issues like mental health, which we see many younger people suffering from.