Creators: Zachary Chau, Giovanna Coelho, Amy Xiao, Enrique Del Pino, Eliza Eldredge, Daniel Shaw, Chloe David, Mary Erickson, Shreya Nakhawa

Course: BIOL5593 Cell and Molecular Biology of Aging

This digital artifact highlights the reflections of students in Dr. Apfeld’s “Cell and Molecular Biology of Aging” course about their service learning experiences this past semester. For service, students would help out in senior centers and escort elderly patients on medical visits in the Greater Boston area. The organizations that our class partnered with were Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly and FriendshipWorks. Throughout the semester, students would often reflect in class about what their service learning experiences meant to them. So, to showcase service learning digitally, we decided to make a short video that compiled students’ thoughts and lessons learned from service!