Creators: The Students of Professor Stephens’ Energy Democracy & Climate Resilience Course
Course: Energy Democracy & Climate Resilience (Stephen)
Abstract: The course, PPUA 5264: Energy Democracy & Climate Resilience: Technology, Policy & Social Change, presents the culmination of innovative and student led, semester-long, collaborative team projects which partnered with organizations to advance energy democracy and climate resilience, by linking social innovations with technological innovation to progress transformative change away from fossil fuel reliance, toward a more just, equitable, prosperous and healthy renewable future for all. Below, you will find a description of each student team’s project, including – the title and premise of the project coupled with the respective organization each team/project collaborated with, a list of the student team members involved in the project, a brief blurb describing the overall goal and purpose of the project, and a story map link each team has created to showcase their processes and final deliverables.