This is a culmination of the research the students had conducted on the communication strategies of our community partner, Boston Bridge, a non-profit that gathers and provides opportunities for networking for professionals in the field of aging. The students presented this presentation to the President of Boston Bridge, in the first series of classes, which…
Category: Fall 2023
My Life My Choice Evaluation Plan
My Life My Choice fights to end exploitation of young people, especially girls of color, LGBTQIA+ youth, and those in child welfare. They tackle these root causes and aim not just to change lives but to dismantle the structural inequities perpetuating these injustices. They requested an evaluation plan to measure the success and impact of…
Love Your Menses Evaluation Plan
Love Your Menses is a nonprofit dedicated to dispelling menstrual myths, advancing menstrual equity, and empowering all menstruating individuals. They educate and support future leaders through intergenerational conversations, health education, mentorship, and community-building. They requested an evaluation plan on four categories: to gain insight on the required inputs, to find areas for improvement, to assess…
CETR Evaluation Plan
CETR facilitates engaged research where faculty, community partners and students collaboratively pursue projects related directly to the impact and practice of service and community engagement or research questions that are co-identified with broader social implications. CETR does this through multiple mechanisms including strategic recognition of community-engaged teaching as a form of experiential learning, student leadership…
Charlotte Rescue Mission Evaluation Plan
Charlotte Rescue Mission provides free, faith-based recovery programs for those battling addiction and homelessness. Amidst COVID-19, they expanded services, offering education, job training, and housing with case management for up to two years through their Community Matters Café. Their organization requested an evaluation assessing the effectiveness of the addiction recovery program in achieving its short-term,…
ArtPop Street Gallery Evaluation Plan
ArtPop Street Gallery was founded with a passion for local art and expertise in the advertising industry. They’ve grown to build sustainable programs showcasing local artists and increasing art accessibility for all. They work with artists and businesses who are passionate and look to add creativity and color to their communities. ArtPop has requested an…
Connections & Decisions Service Learning, Fall 2023
This is a collection of thoughts that our students had about their service learning experiences. Since they volunteered at various community partners, we felt like this collage is the best way to encapsulate all their different experiences….
Student Interviews in Dr. Apfeld’s “Cell and Molecular Biology of Aging” Course
Dr. Apfeld’s course volunteered with seniors in the Greater Boston area through two organizations: Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly (LBFE) and FriendshipWorks. LBFE is a non-profit, volunteer based organization committed to relieving isolation and loneliness within the elderly. Specifically, our students participated in activities with the elderly such as playing card games, bingo,…
Students Final Presentation
This presentation was a great opportunity for students to come together with their service partners and demonstrate what they have learned this semester. This Chinese film course consists of students watching important Chinese films and having the opportunity to discuss it with their Chinese elderly conversation partners and learn from their experiences. At the end…
Five effective teaching strategies to introduce exercise to the community
Our artifact showcases the strategies students have been able to incorporate into their weekly service at their various sites in order to interact with community members in an engaging manner….