Service Learning – Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly Creator: Lauren Brown This is a short video that briefly describes my service learning experience throughout the Spring 2019 semester as part of my Advanced Spanish Conversation Course….
Category: Spring 2019
A Reflection on Service-Learning
Creator: Erin Drury This short reflection explores the concepts of community and service through the experience I had serving at Scholar Athletes. It looks deeper into what it means to serve, and describes how I made my time with my Service-Learning partner more meaningful. When I first began my service-learning experience via Dr. Keeling’s First…
The Clubhouse Experience
Creator: Parker Audette This is a brief glimpse into my time with the Clubhouse (my service partner) where I share the objectives of the location and provide further analytical comparisons between our course readings and class assignments. Weeks of volunteering at the Clubhouse have manifested apparent objectives, one of which is to create an environment…
Free vs. Paid After School Programs
Free vs. Paid After School Programs Creators: Luis Aponte, Terry Chen, Becca Cherian, Jamie Doran A powerpoint presentation analyzing the differences between free and paid for after school programs, while also looking at the impact it has on families in low income communities….
826 Boston Artifact
826 Boston Artifact Creator: Yuxing Wang The artifact is about my summary of service learning in 826 Boston. It includes the idea about how to be a good tutor and volunteer, how to teach children effectively, and what I gain from the tutoring….
BTU (826 Boston)
BTU (826 Boston) Creator: Jee Suh This blogpost involves service done at BTU with 826 Boston as a part of a first-year writing course. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Every time I go to the BTU, I feel like I have a different feeling about it just because of how different it is every single time I’ve been there….
Chester Square & Info Visualization (PhD students)
Chester Square & Chester Square & Info Visualization (PhD students) Creator: Prasanth Murali PhD students in the Information Visualization course under Prof. Michelle Borkin collaborated with the Chester Square Neighborhood association in developing a project to create a Space and Time visualization for the Chester Square Park, which is in the South Boston (Lower Roxbury)…
Information Visualization – Boston Latin Academy reflection
Information Visualization – Boston Latin Academy reflection Creators: Sara Di Bartolomeo, Girik Malik, Prasanth Murali, Laura South, and Uzma Haque Syeda Five PhD students in the Information Visualization course share their personal Reflection Essay about their experience at Boston Latin Academy. They teach Tableau Lessons focused on data visualization to high school students….
ENG 2740 Latinx Student Cultural Center Microdocumentary
ENG 2740 Latinx Student Cultural Center Microdocumentary Creators: Elisely Cruz, Walter Geanacopoulos, Nathan Hilli, and Jackson Leake This video is a short documentary about the Latinx Student Cultural Center. The video illustrates the Center’s history and highlights its contributions to the Northeastern student body….
Service Learning at Edward M. Kennedy Academy for Health Careers
Service Learning at Edward M. Kennedy Academy for Health Careers Creators: Ana Maria Espinosa Gonzalez and Ching Wen Kung A brief description of our experiences as service-learners with Edward M. Kennedy Academy for Health Careers this semester as part of our Community Service course, and a reflection involved in the experience….