Creators: Students of Information Visualization: Theory and Applications Class Course: CS7250 Information Visualization: Theory and Applications Showcases some images of the activities we did during the semester. As well as some links and graphs from the final deliverables submitted by the students….
Category: Spring 2022
LEGO Robotics Yawkey Reflection
Creators: Emily Devany Course: GE 1502 Cornerstones of Engineering 2 (Freeman) A student reflects on her time volunteering as a LEGO Robotics mentor at Yawkey Boys and Girls Club reminiscing on one of her memorable moments with the students.…
LEGO Robotics Orchard Gardens Final Reflection
Creator: Michael Nunes Course: GE 1502 Cornerstones of Engineering 2 (Freeman) A student reflects on his time volunteering as a LEGO Robotics mentor with Orchard Gardens, discussing relationships formed, lessons learned, and connections made between Professor Freeman’s Cornerstones of Engineering course and direct service.…
LEGO Robotics Yawkey Final Reflection
Creator: Caelah Cross Course: GE 1502 Cornerstones of Engineering 2 (Freeman) A student reflects on her time volunteering as a LEGO Robotics mentor with Yawkey Boys and Girls clubs noting how the skills she learned from service will impact her future decisions and perspectives….
Afrimerican Academy
Creators: Wesly Beausoleil; Kishan Parekh; Saraswathi Lankipalle; Shaswat Singh; Pratap AgrawalCourse: EMGT5220 Engineering Project Management This presentation discusses the team’s work with Afrimerican Academy, where they assisted in finalizing process maps and performed a SWOT analysis of the virtual/hybrid model….
Podcast on Plastic Pollution
Creators: Bryan Hampton; Unaiza Rajan; Matthew Greco; Juan Zheng Course: ENTR2206 Global Social Enterprise Entrepreneurship and Innovation This digital artifact includes a creative, insightful podcast created for high school students participating in the Changemaker Program. The Changemaker Program is an online program that allows high school students to design potential solutions to current societal issues….
Axolotl Limb Regeneration Visualization Web Page
Creators: Brian Huntley, Elliot Bangerter, Kelly Phalen Course: DS4200 Information Presentation and Visualization (Dunne) The goal of our semester-long service-learning project is to expose students to the real-world research and design process of doing an in-depth visualization design and implementation. This group created visualizations for their community partner James Monaghan in hope to make the…
Community-Engaged Design with ARCH 6640 and D7 Team
Creators: Alexander Bondi, John Branagan, Angel Cao, Josie Cerbone, Emily Gleitman, Natalie Hoch, Mia Kania, Katelyn Keen, Anastasia Leopold, Xiaobei McKean Erasmus, Matthew Miller, Emma Palacio, Clayton Richardson Course: ARCH 6440 Case Studies in Professional Practice II: Designing with Communities & Publics (Song) This website is the culmination of all the work that the students…
Tips and Tricks for Healthy Living and Eating in Boston
Creators: Jacqueline Novicki & Tania Grimberg Course: ENGW1111 First-Year Writing (Stockman) Since the mission of BCYF is to enhance the quality of life of Boston’s residents by supporting a healthy and active lifestyle, these short presentations and social media materials were chosen represent the partnership between the First-Year Writing Class and the Family Gym. These…
Program Evaluation Plan
Creators: Aaron Gartner; Katelyn McCreedy; Nicholas Maio Course: PPUA 6509 Techniques of Program Evaluation Our group has constructed a program evaluation plan for the organization called Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly: Boston (LBFE). We have proposed an evaluation that focuses on their Digital Dividends program, as it has been recently established during COVID-19. The…