Shuhan’s Reflection Video

A video reflection by Shuhan Zhang on her service-learning experience at Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly (LBFE). Artifact:…

Yu-Hsuan’s Reflection Video

A video reflection by Yu-Hsuan Wang (Alice) on her service-learning experience at Boys & Girls Clubs of Dorchester. Artifact:…

Design Text for HEAT

This is a poster created by the students to spread awareness of the issues on environmental sustainability addressed by the student organization group Husky Environmental Action Team (HEAT) and recruit new members for the group. Artifact:…

Wenbo’s Reflection Video

A video reflection by Wenbo Fu on his service-learning experience at Boys & Girls Clubs of Dorchester. Artifact:…

Design Text for STAN

This is a design text created by students to spread awareness of issues on sustainable transportation addressed by the student organization Sustainable Transportation @ Northeastern (STAN) and recruit new members for the group. Artifact:…

Collective History – Time Capsule Mapper: Navigating Neighborhood Narratives

The team developed a tool to archive and collect local history in the Boston area. The project aims to foster a conversation about the development around a specific historic site by creating a geospatial data archive. In addition to preserving and collecting historical data in one place, through this web application, the project anticipates people…

Reflections on Service from German 2101 and 3101 students

Students in Intermediate and Advanced German classes wrote end-of-semester reflections on their Virtual Service-Learning experiences with older adults living in Germany. The reflections focus on the contents of the meetings, and takeaways relating to intergenerational and intercultural interaction. Reflection 1: View Reflection 2: View…

Design Text for Slow Food

These are design texts created by students to spread awareness of issues on the environment, food systems, and human health addressed by the student organization Slow Food and recruit new members for the group. Artifacts:…

Design Text for SAPR

This is a design text created by students to spread awareness of issues on injustices of the current systems of incarceration addressed by the student organization Student Alliance for Prison Reform (SAPR) and recruit new members for the group. Artifacts:…

Design Text for EBW

This is a design text created by students to spread awareness of issues on providing accessible drinking water in Panama by the student organization Engineers Without Borders (EBW) and recruit new members for the group. Artifacts:…