This is a digital artifact compiled of student’s mind maps reflection service-learning, the lessons they learned, and the experience they had. It showcases the connections between the materials learned in class and the knowledge gained from community engaged experiences. Artifact:…
Partner: Castle Square Tenants Org
The Impacts of Making STEM Education Fun & Accessible
In an effort to represent the volunteering done by the students in Professor McElligott’s Inquiries in Biological Sciences: Stem Cells, this slide deck shows photos of activities that encouraged STEM learning as well as service-learning volunteers’ reflections on their service-learning experiences. Artifact:…
BIOL 2299 Service-Learning Memories
This artifact is a compilation of photos and student testimonials submitted throughout the semester. The service-learning portion of this course was dedicated to exposing students to STEM, so it highlights sample projects students facilitated. Through it, I hope community partners and students gain an understanding of what service-learning in BIOL 2299 looked like and what…
Math, Magic, Puzzles & Games Final Posters!
The final projects, produced by our students, displays a few of the different math related presentations that were given to the participants of the many different community programs that our class got involved with this semester!…