Creator: Pressley Smith Course: Advanced Chinese 2 Pressley Smith has been taking the service-learning advanced Chinese courses in the last two semesters. Originally, she has no ideas about service-learning and of course she did not know it is part of the course requirement as well. She ended up falling in love with the mission of…
Partner: Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly (LBFE)
The Meaning of Words
Creators: The Students of Professor Oliveira’s Community Learning Course Course: Community Learning (Oliveira) This word-cloud is of commonly used words from the student’s reflections over the course of the semester. It demonstrates their collective experiences through service and the course content….
How to Get Closer with the Elderly
Creator: Yanyu Chen Course: Community Learning (Roe) This is a project that reflects personal professional development learning to enhance my service experience….
S-L in 1 Word
Creator: Keelin Fitzsimons Summing up a semester in one word is tough, but we asked our students to think of just one word that represents this semester in S-L. Due to the variety of partners the students in our class were serving with, we wanted everyone to be involved in the submission and everyone’s answer…
Help Stop Financial Abuse of the Elderly
Creator: Ekaterina Tatarkina Volunteering at Little Brothers made me realize that there is a need for Northeastern students’ help educating older adults about financial abuse. The elderly of Boston will no longer be seen as easy targets!…
Little Brother Friends of the Elderly
Creator: Rosa Martinez This artifact shows what service-learning is and how the students incorporated their service work with their course materials. It also shows quotes from the students who volunteered at LBFE about what their experiences were like….
Little Brothers: Friends of the Elderly
Creator: Andre Armero This was a presentation given by Andre on his service at Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly….
Servicio con Little Brothers-Friends of the Elderly
Creator: Alissah Sillah This is a presentation about Alissah’s weekly service at Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly….
How Chinese students help empty nesters in China
Creator: Xiaoqi Yuan Empty nesters became a serious phenomenon in China. Since their children leave home because of work, study, marriage, and other reasons, alone “empty nest” middle-aged and elderly produce psychological disorders, known as the family “empty nest” syndrome. Despite appeals from society and the government to care for the elderly, most young people…
LBFE Service Learning
LBFE Service Learning Creator: Bailey Shea In this video I describe my experience in Service-Learning with Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly….