The first artifact is a translation done by our students and it highlights the whole history of the Exclusion Act. Through translating into Chinese, it becomes more accessible and reaches out to a broader audience. The second one is a story map that can help people to explore the rich history and culture of Chinatown…
Tag: Interactive Presentation
Assets Mapping
In groups, students toured the neighborhoods where they would engage in service-learning, and created an assets map to show the various resources in the community. Link to Artifact #1: View Link to Artifact #2: View Link to Artifact #3: View Link to Artifact #4: View…
Access to Housing Systems Map
Creator(s): Nathalie Massud, Julian Fuchsberg, Vanessa Chan, Jemima Barrol Brown Course: HUSV3570 The Nonprofit Sector, Philanthropy & Social Change Throughout the semester, our class researched 7 community partners along with the systems in which those organizations work to affect change. Our community partner, Reclaim Roxbury, addresses gentrification and lack of affordable housing the Roxbury area….
Youth Violence Systems Map
Creator(s): Ema Noonan, Xueying Li, Kadijah Mootry, Blake Carr Course: HUSV3570 The Nonprofit Sector, Philanthropy & Social Change Throughout the semester, our class researched 7 community partners along with the systems in which those organizations work to affect change. Located in Jamaica Plains, our community partner, Beantown Society, addresses youth violence in Boston. This artifact…
Food Accessibility Systems Map
Creator(s): Sean Gallipo, Stephanie Son, Christly Bright-Agindotan Course: HUSV3570 The Nonprofit Sector, Philanthropy & Social Change Throughout the semester, our class researched 7 community partners along with the systems in which those organizations work to affect change. Located in Jamaica Plains, our community partner, Beantown Society, addresses youth violence in Boston. This artifact is a…
Youth Development Systems Map
Creator(s): Allie Maltzman, Tobias Dehner, Kathleen Clemenz Course: HUSV3570 The Nonprofit Sector, Philanthropy & Social Change Throughout the semester, our class researched 7 community partners along with the systems in which those organizations work to affect change. Located in Jamaica Plains, our community partner, Beantown Society, addresses youth violence in Boston. This artifact is a…
Investigating Accessibility and Connectivity in Dorchester
Creator(s): Reem Ahmed, Lee-Gray Boze Israel Collazco-Luciano, Eleni Kalantzi, Dong Nguyen, Nicholas Pietrinferno Course: PPUA5246 Participatory Modeling for Collaborative Decision-making Over the course of this semester, this student group engaged with representatives from Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly and other relevant stakeholders to create a StoryMap. This StoryMap starts by outlining the problem statement…
Ecological model
Creator: Riya Aggarwal Course: 3520 Child Intervention and Treatment This is the Final Deliverable for the Child Intervention and Treatment course. Riya worked with Peace through Play and made a presentation reflecting on her Service-Learning and how it connected to the themes in the course.…
Biological Journeys College & Career Panel Q&A
Creators: Sooji Kim, Emily Burke, Catherine LeBlanc, and Alyssa Cordes Course: Biology Capstone (Begley) Abstract: A group of our S-L students led a virtual college & career panel entitled “Biological Journeys: A Northeastern University Student Panel” at the annual Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts STEM Conference. The goal of this panel was to give high…
Community Nutrition and Service-Learning at Family Gym
Creators: Ilanit Wolf, Annie Chiang, Juliane Chiang, Eunsol Cho, Amanda DePinto, Nicholas Goldsack, Julianne Mayville, Francelly Moncada, Jessallyn Nguyen, Lauren O’Neil, Anita Onuoha, Edward Runquist, Lauren Teng, Ana Tomás Leal, Alexis Trattler, Christiane Zhao Prezi presentation representing our service at Family Gym throughout the semester. We presented this to the stakeholder for our service site….