Big Ideas for Little Children

Creator: Ryan Ellegood Course: PHIL2143 Philosophy for Children To facilitate philosophical conversations with the schoolchildren, Northeastern students would broach philosophical topics with them via children’s books. The ideas shared by students are then mapped to provide a visual representation of the conversation for ease of understanding. This is one such map….

How to Effectively Communicate with Older Adults

Creator: Ruo-Jie Lin Course: GBST 1030 Community Learning 2 (Lucy Bunning) This artifact demonstrates my personal professional development based on my service-learning work with LBFE. During the service-learning work, we accompanied older adults to learn to use technologies and relieve loneliness. From the experience, I learned that communication played an important role while building relationships…

What are the Benefits of Joining the Elder Community?

Creator: Yun-Jung Lu Course: Community Learning 2 (Bunning) Abstract: This artifact summarizes the benefits of joining the elder community. Through our work with LBFE, we focused on building relationships and connections with the elders to help them relieve isolation and loneliness especially during the pandemic. Through the service-learning program, we are not only contributing to…

How Could Service-Learning Change Your Boring Weekdays?

Creator: Nikita Gorbachov Course: Community Learning 2 (Bunning) Abstract: This poster is about my experience as an activity assistant at LBFE. Service-learning does not only changed my boring weekdays into engaging activities, but also demonstrated the impacts of volunteering in the local communities. I decided to represent my learning experience through this poster, because most…

Nutrition and Public Health – Group 5 Final Deliverable

Creators: Madeleine Allocco, Marquis-Elyse Lichtenstein and Patrick McEleney Course: Nutrition and Public Health (Janisch) Abstract: The work featured here highlights the weekly content submissions students created for distribution to the families of the Family Gym. Each group selected their favorite piece from this semester to be shared….

Nutrition and Public Health – Group 3 Final Deliverable

Creators: Julia Choi, Erin Hastings and Shelby Szilagyi Course: Nutrition and Public Health (Janisch) Abstract: The work featured here highlights the weekly content submissions students created for distribution to the families of the Family Gym. Each group selected their favorite piece from this semester to be shared….

Nutrition and Public Health – Group 6 Final Deliverable

Creators: Amanda Hickey, Abigail Leavitt and Jacqueline Nguyen Course: Nutrition and Public Health (Janisch) Abstract: The work featured here highlights the weekly content submissions students created for distribution to the families of the Family Gym. Each group selected their favorite piece from this semester to be shared….