Collective History – Time Capsule Mapper: Navigating Neighborhood Narratives

The team developed a tool to archive and collect local history in the Boston area. The project aims to foster a conversation about the development around a specific historic site by creating a geospatial data archive. In addition to preserving and collecting historical data in one place, through this web application, the project anticipates people…

Design Text for STAN

This is a design text created by students to spread awareness of issues on sustainable transportation addressed by the student organization Sustainable Transportation @ Northeastern (STAN) and recruit new members for the group. Artifact:…

Design Text for EBW

This is a design text created by students to spread awareness of issues on providing accessible drinking water in Panama by the student organization Engineers Without Borders (EBW) and recruit new members for the group. Artifacts:…

Math, Magic, Puzzles and Games Reflection Posters

Through these different posters created by the students, we are able to see and learn about the different projects that were presented to the community partners. Each group put their own personal twist on their projects and presented them in interesting and stimulating ways to make math fun!…

Youth Development Service-Learning

Creator(s): Krystal Abbott Course: FSEM1000 Connections & Decisions The students of Connections & Decisions decided to represent their service-learning this semester with a collage including their reflections, skills they practiced, and physical artifacts from their service….

Thermal Storage Solution for Vertical Farming

Creator(s): Ana Sola, Adrian Sperl, Dylan Hutra, Michael Stamm Course: CHME4703 Process Design Chemical Engineering Capstone Trusted Thermal Consulting, LLC is consulting for AgriTech North, a non- profit organization based in Dryden, ON, with a mission to battle the larger issue of food insecurity that plagues indigenous communities in Northern Ontario. The proposed vertical farm…

Math, Magic, Puzzles, and Games at Castle Square

Creators: Madhav Kapa, Mia Milnes, Gabby Montano, Olivia Stepper, and James Visconti Course: HONR1310 Math, Magic, Puzzles & Games Each group of students created a poster summarizing one or more of the games/ magic tricks they shared with the children at their service-learning location….

Big Ideas for Little Children

Creator: Ryan Ellegood Course: PHIL2143 Philosophy for Children To facilitate philosophical conversations with the schoolchildren, Northeastern students would broach philosophical topics with them via children’s books. The ideas shared by students are then mapped to provide a visual representation of the conversation for ease of understanding. This is one such map….

How to Effectively Communicate with Older Adults

Creator: Ruo-Jie Lin Course: GBST 1030 Community Learning 2 (Lucy Bunning) This artifact demonstrates my personal professional development based on my service-learning work with LBFE. During the service-learning work, we accompanied older adults to learn to use technologies and relieve loneliness. From the experience, I learned that communication played an important role while building relationships…