Teaching English through Fun Clubs!

Many refugees around the world are forced into completely new countries where they have to adapt to a new way of living. One of the hardest aspects of this adaptation is the process of learning a new language. Through student-hosted clubs, Russian-speaking children of age 10-12 were taught basic English phrases, as well as given…

Assessment of Composting at Northeastern

This is a research project performed by students in ENGW 3315 on behalf of HEAT. This project assessed Northeastern’s sustainability commitments. The group specifically looked at NEU’s campus-wide project to provide students and on-campus establishments with resources to expand composting initiatives. The result of this project was to make suggestions to improve sustainablity initiatives at…

Professor Mukasa’s Cornerstones of Engineering Final Reflection

As a class our final reflection and VEXPO submission was chosen to be a compiled video. This is because every week in class we would discuss and reflect together about the experiences everyone had at their respective community partners and what we can do to improve the program for the future. Everyone in Professor Mukasa’s…

Marketing Research & Plan for Ballet Rox

In the Marketing and Society course, students are assigned a pro-social organization to work with throughout the semester and develop a marketing plan. The main purpose of this project is to apply the concepts, theories, methods, and critical thinking discussed in this class through research and marketing strategy that can be helpful in guiding social…

Engineers Without Borders Design Text

This video was designed to promote the visibility of Engineers Without Borders on Northeastern’s Campus. Additionally, it was meant to provide an introduction to the mission of the club and how to get more involved with the organization….

Money Media Press kit

Partner organization’s media advocacy strategy analysis (final presentation slides), Media analysis report , Journalist’s toolkit ,Letter to the editor, and Op-Ed for Money Magnets Money Magnets Press Kit is a presentation crafted by Northeastern University Students who took up Media Advocacy in Theory Practice course in Fall 2022. The kit consists of Partner organization’s media…

Environmental Justice Index- Greater Grove Hall

This project aims to address the issue of environmental injustice in Grove Hall, a community in Boston, Massachusetts. This project is meant to refine the existing Environmental Justice (EJ) designation criteria to better reflect the disproportionate impacts of environmental racism on specific communities. The proposes a co-created index that combines demographic data with data relevant…

Grove Hall Senior Center Stories

This project features work based on relationships and interactions between students and the older adults of grove hall senior center. All work is written and made by students in this course….