MGMT 4550 Artifact

Creator: Ahmad Abdul Khalek Given the nature of the course many if not all clients choose to keep the information they provided along with the deliverable the students are expected to produce confidential. With that being said I have attached a presentation that outlines the unique selection process the course adopts and how the semester…

Service-Learning at the Boston Brakers

Creators: Michael Parrish, Carter Dizes This presentation displays the work that we did with the Boston Brakers. It highlights the community assets and constraints the team faces and offers suggestions to help facilitate practice organization and help new members to the team onboard and acquire the skills and knowledge they need to play. Ultimately, our…

SeaSisters Marketing Presentation

Creators: Amanda DeMonte, Carissa Chan, Emma Guido, Yvonne Wu This is a presentation that a group working with SeaSisters created to present their marketing plan to promote the Sri Lanka surfing organization!…

Senior Citizens Housing Corp Charlestown

Creators: Chaitanya Joshi, Dani Sharara, Dylan Sayasith, Han Lau, Pratham Patel In our Engineering Project Management class, we worked with a community partner, the Senior Citizen Housing Corporation of Boston, to help them communicate with the senior citizens of Charlestown. We were able to do this by developing a project, where we researched a target…

Team Tuesday: Math, Magic, Puzzles, and Games

Creators: Shandy Ndjigue, Felix Yang, Bryce Feldman A powerpoint slide summarizing our experience volunteering with the Friends of the Hernandez School. It includes which activities we facilitated during each service-learning session with the students….

Why – Question Project

Creators: Sarah Whiteman, Caroline Hughes, Adele Julien, Samantha Lasky Our “Why- Question” project was designed to make us notice things in our service-learning site and to develop a deeper understanding of what we noticed. Our project was on low-ses parents and their involvement in their child/ren’s school. For our insiders we looked at students in…

Old West Church Presentation

Creators: Armando Suniaga Cardozo, Aysha Al Awadhi, Bayansulu Tulbassova, Deniz Aydin, Laurel O’Malley, Mohammed AlHunaidi, Nourah Aijouan Old West Church is a place that strives to be open to all, where people feel safe and welcome. The infrastructure & design of the church should support the ideals of the congregation. This project for Engineering Project…

Family Gym: Physical activity and nutrition programming, two peas in a pod

Creator: Haley Bayne This is a presentation about our time volunteering at Family Gym, a program aimed at decreasing obesity rates in the most afflicted communities. This is a summary of our work, future work that needs to be done, and the pros/cons of volunteering in communities in need….

BIOL 2299 BGCB Tuesday

Creators: Grace Hardwick, Eric Choi, Michelle Morency The artifact is a slide that represents the service done on Tuesdays at Boys and Girls Club – Hennigan by the BIOL 2299 course. It represents the learning and partnership through the pictures included….