Student Interviews in Dr. Apfeld’s “Cell and Molecular Biology of Aging” Course

Dr. Apfeld’s course volunteered with seniors in the Greater Boston area through two organizations: Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly (LBFE) and FriendshipWorks. LBFE is a non-profit, volunteer based organization committed to relieving isolation and loneliness within the elderly. Specifically, our students participated in activities with the elderly such as playing card games, bingo,…

Students Final Presentation

This presentation was a great opportunity for students to come together with their service partners and demonstrate what they have learned this semester. This Chinese film course consists of students watching important Chinese films and having the opportunity to discuss it with their Chinese elderly conversation partners and learn from their experiences. At the end…

Math, Magic, Puzzles & Games Final Posters!

The final projects, produced by our students, displays a few of the different math related presentations that were given to the participants of the many different community programs that our class got involved with this semester!…

SOCL3407: The Immigrant Experience Video

Our artifact is a video where students can be seen answering a series of questions about the service-learning (S-L) program. Since our course worked with several partners, this artifact allowed students the opportunity to share their thoughts on service-learning in the context of their own placements. Students were interviewed, and their responses were compiled into…

Creating a Balanced Meal for Your Children

The handout featured here highlights the five food groups and includes a recipe using all food groups. Service Partner: Pierce School Extended Day in Brookline, MA…

What Goes in my Lunchbox?

Explain the different food groups: 4 essential (fruit, vegetables, whole grains and protein) dairy is not an essential food group but still good for you! Handouts with “my lunchbox” (colored lunchbox) and “what goes in my lunchbox” (foods from different food groups) will be provided to the kids and they will design their own, personalized…

Eat the Rainbow: A Guide to a Colorful and Healthy Diet

Our vibrant handouts and recipe card, created for the Little Corner Schoolhouse, by our Community and Public Health in the Community Service-Learning team, educate preschoolers and parents on healthy eating and food groups. Created through collaborative efforts, these engaging materials aim to instill positive nutritional habits and empower families to make informed choices. Service Partner:…

Convenience and Benefits of Preparing Meals with Frozen Foods

The work featured here is a handout on the benefits and convenience of incorporating frozen foods into an individual’s diet. This handout was one of several written materials distributed at a series of nutrition education workshops at several Boston Housing Authority locations. Residents attended these workshops, which included educational presentations, recipe demonstrations, and handout and…

The Benefits of Eating Adequate Levels of Calcium Rich Foods

This handout was created by Bianca Reuter, Saskia Mu, Carrie Gilmore, Matt Ma for apresentation to the Boston Housing Authority. It was made to inform the elderly population at BHA on why calcium is important and how to prevent deficiency….