Cornerstone of Engineering I: Student Final Reflection and Testimonies

At the end of their Service-Learning experience, each student submitted a video reflecting on their overall experience. They discussed their thoughts on the experience, what they learned, and why Service-Learning and engagement with community partners is important. Additionally, students discussed how Service-Learning related to Cornerstone of Engineering coursework, and how they implemented the Engineering Design…

Day in the Life with the Boston Whiplash Volt Hockey Team

This is a video showing a glimpse into a day in the life of a volt hockey player. This is a great example of one of the many things that we do with the NUPT Service-Learning experience! Getting out and working with many different communities, such as this one, has offered a mutually beneficial experience…

Short Media Screenwriting Trailer

The document I am submitting is a trailer created by the students using AI, with the creation of the script refined in the early stages through constant collaboration with partners. This trailer can be seen as a materialized product of the creative outcome. Artifact:…

Design Text for SAPR

This is a design text created by students to spread awareness of issues on injustices of the current systems of incarceration addressed by the student organization Student Alliance for Prison Reform (SAPR) and recruit new members for the group. Artifacts:…

Cornerstone of Engineering Final Reflection Compellation

This final reflection compellation represents a overview of the service-learning experience of the class. The video speaks to the perspective of the different students, their takeaways, and how this experience has impacted them. The VEXPO submission was chosen to be a video submission because of the importance of reflection in the class. Students reflected on…