Creators: Belle Pangputhipong and Anthony dos Santos Course: Communities & Crime (O’Brien) Abstract: This artifact is a quick demographic assessment of crime in Boston neighborhoods that students have created for the course….
Codman Square
Creators: Belle Pangputhipong and Anthony dos Santos Course: Communities & Crime (O’Brien) Abstract: This artifact is a quick demographic assessment of crime in Boston neighborhoods that students have created for the course….
Creator: Anita Goharfar Course: Architectural Studies Capstone (Lawrence) Abstract: This collection of tools and systems, infographics and organizational histories, and design interventions showcases how students went past the traditional brief of the architecture student to engage with community perspectives….
Creators: Dachuan Zhang, Abigail Cossette, and Connor Friday Course: Information Presentation and Visualization (Borkin) Abstract: The purpose of this project is to assist Massachusetts Promise Fellowship (MPF) in marketing their current fellows to the public in order to drive future recruitment for the program. The data we are leveraging to create this data visualization comes…
Creators: Kelsey Dillon, Steven Chambers, Erin Devereux, Dominique Coslett, Emily English, and Yu Sheng Cheng Course: Marketing and Society (Grinstein) Abstract: We worked with sySTEMic Flow. sySTEMic Flow exists to inspire and support young Girls and Women of Color who wish to attain academic degrees in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)….
Creator: Jasmin Dickinson Course: Architectural Studies Capstone (Lawrence) Abstract: This collection of tools and systems, infographics and organizational histories, and design interventions showcases how students went past the traditional brief of the architecture student to engage with community perspectives….
Creators: Reshan Fernando, Celine Yan, and Anirudh Kamath Course: Information Presentation and Visualization (Borkin) Abstract: This demo video showcases the website that our group created for the Massachusetts Promise Fellowship (MPF). It explains the functionality of both visualizations and how they demonstrate the impact of MPF fellows’ work on youth emotional and cognitive engagement over…
Creators: Ateev Nahar, Gitika Bathija, and Kristen Colavita Course: Information Presentation and Visualization (Borkin) Abstract: This video represented the analysis tool which we created for the Massachusetts Promise Fellowship. We analyzed two Alumni Datasets to create interactive visualizations to explore the relationship between Alumni continued interest in Involvement over the years with MPF, Career and…
Creators: Levi Leach, Amanda Bell, and Nicholas Miklaucic Course: Information Presentation and Visualization (Borkin) Abstract: The following video provides an overview of a webpage and visualization designed for Massachusetts Promise Fellowship (MPF). This organization works to provide youth with the resources needed to be successful- academically, emotionally, and otherwise. An invaluable factor in the success…
Creators: Charlotte Alexin, Pressley Smith, Sophia Chen, Joanna Zhao, Julia Tan, Jonathan Drapeu, Christopher Zarba, Kun Li, Cheng Wang, Wenting Jia, Micah Storkersen, Ceara Zhang, Tian Xia, and Jiayun Zhao Course: Health and Food in Chinese (Dong) Abstract: We are submitting an infographic of the various service students in this course participated in, given the…
Creators: The Students of Professor Roches Connections and Decisions Course: Connections & Decisions (Roche) Abstract: Our artifact is a reflection on our partnerships and collective growth – we utilized a blog website to capture our thoughts and reflections. Students, faculty, S-LTA and TAs reflected on their experiences and what they have learned throughout the Spring…