Cornerstones of Engineering Spring 2019

Creator: Alex Spak These are photos taken at sites across Roxbury where students in the Cornerstone of Engineering class volunteered and taught LEGO Robotics to middle school students….

Hyde Square Task Force

Hyde Square Task Force Creator: Youjin Kang This infographic represents the service at Hyde Square Task Force, which is located in the Jamaica Plain. I separated into 5 categories, including aim/mission of this organization, what did I at there, and how does the course (community learning) relates to servicing at HSTF. In addition, I briefly…

Free vs. Paid After School Programs

Free vs. Paid After School Programs Creators: Luis Aponte, Terry Chen, Becca Cherian, Jamie Doran A powerpoint presentation analyzing the differences between free and paid for after school programs, while also looking at the impact it has on families in low income communities….

826 Boston Artifact

826 Boston Artifact Creator: Yuxing Wang The artifact is about my summary of service learning in 826 Boston. It includes the idea about how to be a good tutor and volunteer, how to teach children effectively, and what I gain from the tutoring….