This presentation was a great opportunity for students to come together with their service partners and demonstrate what they have learned this semester. This Chinese film course consists of students watching important Chinese films and having the opportunity to discuss it with their Chinese elderly conversation partners and learn from their experiences. At the end…
Partner: Action for Boston Community Development (ABCD)
CHNS3101 VEXPO Reflections
Creator(s): Trang Nguyen Course: CHNS3101 Advanced Chinese 1 This semester, our class partnered with LBFE, ABCD, and MLK School. We chose to submit pictures and students’ personal reflections as our artifacts because we truly believe in the authenticity of the work, and we are very proud to be a part of this effort in giving…
HUSV Social Change and Human Services: Student Reflections
Creator: Claire Molinich Course: HUSV1101 Social Change and Human Services Seeing as students from the HUSV 1101, Social Change and Human Services, performed direct service with their community partners, we have collected a myriad of student testimonies. In these accounts, students were able to put into words the impact of their service, takeaways from this…
CHNS 3800 S-L Reflection
Creators: Ziqi Wang Course: CHNS3800 Chinese Culture Through Film This artifact is a presentation that showcases the collection of reflections written by students who have participated in service learning with ABCD. It shows the unique and precious experience every student had….
CHNS3102 S-L Student Reflections
Creator: Joanna Zhao Course: CHNS3102 Advanced Chinese 2 This semester, the students partnered with ABCD and were able to learn more about Chinese history and culture by talking with their Foster Grandparents. Here is a summary of their course projects relating to S-L and their reflections for this semester….
Service Learning EPortfolio:
Action for Boston Community Development
Creators: Tayler Frees, Rebecca Scheldrup, Saeed Alkhoori Course: HUSV 2401 Food Justice and Community Development This website provides information about their service learning experience and an Action for Boston Community Development overview…
Foster Grandparents Program Spring 2022
Creators: Manogya Chandar, Mary Collier, Jasmine Der, Yun Yi Park, Ceara Zhang Courses: CHNS 3102 Advanced Chinese 2 This artifact is an infographic that summarizes the students’ takeaways from collaborating with the Foster Grandparent program. Students met virtually with elderly members of the Asian American community in Boston to provide company, support, and practice their…
Advanced Chinese 2, Service-Learning Reflections
Creators: Lily Xu, Alexander Barrett, Nancy Hannon, Diamond Poomijindanon, Charlotte Yin, Kirby Chua, Hana Chalmers, & Eric Concannon Course: Advanced Chinese 2 (Wei) This artifact is a presentation that showcases a collection of reflections written by students who have participated in service-learning affiliated with ABCD or LBFE this semester. This artifact accurately paints the picture…
CHNS 3102 Foster Grandparent Program Spring 2021
Creators: Isaac Walker, Sidney Li, Matthew Tong, Adele Baughan, Riana Buchman, and Evan Rumsfeld Course: Advanced Chinese 2 (Dong) Abstract: This artifact is a a blogpost reflection of student takeaways from the Foster Grandparent program in the Chinese Advanced 2 course. Students met virtually with elderly members of the Asian American community in Boston to…
Technology and Those Who Can’t Follow
Creator: Ruobin Luo Course: Social Change and Human Services (Gardinier) Abstract: This artifact is a presentation that summarizes my experience as a service-learning student for Social Change and Human Services course….