This artifact is a collage of pictures and words showing the wonderful service first-year students in the Explore Program did over the course of a semester. They wrote down meaningful moments, what they gained from volunteering, and how it impacted them. The pictures show the joy of the children they worked with and the everyday…
Partner: Boston Debate League
Connections and Decisions Spring 2024 VEXPO
This artifact is a collage made by the students that depict their time at each of their service-learning sites. The students spent their time with various community partners, working with students and adults. They brought in photos, drew pictures, and wrote about their experiences at each of their different service sites. Link to Artifact: View…
FSEM 1000: Connections & Decisions — Positive Experiences of Service
Our class worked with 5 different service partners where students did a variety of volunteer work. As so, we did not have one cohesive project but rather a lot of unique experiences regarding service. I chose to represent feedback from different students from each service site in this visualization to show the takeaways that each…
Connections & Decisions Service Learning, Fall 2023
This is a collection of thoughts that our students had about their service learning experiences. Since they volunteered at various community partners, we felt like this collage is the best way to encapsulate all their different experiences….
Youth Development Service-Learning
Creator(s): Krystal Abbott Course: FSEM1000 Connections & Decisions The students of Connections & Decisions decided to represent their service-learning this semester with a collage including their reflections, skills they practiced, and physical artifacts from their service….
Connections & Decisions Service-Learning Reflection
Creator: Logan Meda Course: FSEM1000 Connections & Decisions This artifact includes photos taken by students at their service site and reflection testimonials by students about their service experiences. Our class had a number of partners and different types of service, so doing a collage of sorts was the best way to represent each service partner…
We think Service-Learning is…
Creators: Alex Jacobs and Beyer Bullard Course: Social Change and Human Services Our VEXPO artifact is a word cloud made from responses to a written reflection assignment in which we asked our students to provide one word that described their service experience.The Social Change and Human Services courses partner with a wide range of community…
Youth Development Puzzle
Creators: All of the FSEM1000 (Madison) class took part in this artifact. Course: Connections and Decisions (Leverich) The students of Connections and Decisions decided to design a jigsaw puzzle of what our service theme, youth development, meant to them and how it was represented in their partnerships with EVKids, Boston Debate League and Hyde Square…
What Do You Want Your Impact To Be?
Creators: Students from FSEM1000 Course: Connections & Decisions (Leavitt) This artifact contains a word cloud based upon students reflections on what they want their impact to be on the world, and how their service- learning role fits into this. Our class’s service theme was youth development and student’s partnered with EV Kids, Hyde Square Task…
Word Cloud of Service
Creators: The Connections and Decisions Class Course: Connections and Decisions This is a word cloud of all the reflections that students submitted when submitting their hours served with their respective sites. These 20 students served 139.25 hours in less than 2 months, with 6 different community partners….