In an effort to represent the volunteering done by the students in Professor McElligott’s Inquiries in Biological Sciences: Stem Cells, this slide deck shows photos of activities that encouraged STEM learning as well as service-learning volunteers’ reflections on their service-learning experiences. Artifact:…
Partner: sySTEMic Flow
Biological Inquires Sharing Science with their Community
Creator(s): Molly Tully Course: BIOL2299 Inquiries in Biological Sciences Biological Inquires course “Stem Cells and Service-Learning” had COS first year students working with four different community partners sharing their knowledge of science with elementary and middle schoolers. Each week our service-learning students worked on creating lesson plans that focused on the scientific interests of the…
HUSV Social Change and Human Services: Student Reflections
Creator: Claire Molinich Course: HUSV1101 Social Change and Human Services Seeing as students from the HUSV 1101, Social Change and Human Services, performed direct service with their community partners, we have collected a myriad of student testimonies. In these accounts, students were able to put into words the impact of their service, takeaways from this…
Service Learning – BIOL 2299
Creators: Students from BIOL2299 Inquiries in Biological Sciences Class Course: BIOL2299 Inquiries in Biological Sciences This is a summary of all the partnerships and the students’ work in Dr. McElligott’s BIOL2299 Service-Learning section. Each group’s work is highlighted, along with a brief synopsis of their missions and goals. Though every group went about it in…
Math, Magic, Puzzles, and Games at sySTEMic Flow!
Creators: Katie McLaughlin, Jonathan Kopel, Andrew Otvos, Audrey Romanik, Matthew Schonberg, Martina Ferrari Course: Math, Magic, Puzzles, & Games (Eigen) Northeastern students were asked to put together a one-page virtual poster to summarize their experience presenting to younger students to highlight the information they taught the younger students….
LEGO Robotics Programming
Creators: Students from GE1501/1502 Course: Cornerstones of Engineering (Freeman) This semester, our service looked a little bit different because we weren’t able to go in person to many of our service sites as initially planned. Most students learned the ins and outs of our new LEGO robots in small groups that met on campus, and…
sySTEMic Flow Marketing Proposal
Creators: Kelsey Dillon, Steven Chambers, Erin Devereux, Dominique Coslett, Emily English, and Yu Sheng Cheng Course: Marketing and Society (Grinstein) Abstract: We worked with sySTEMic Flow. sySTEMic Flow exists to inspire and support young Girls and Women of Color who wish to attain academic degrees in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)….