Service-Learning as Defined By Maria

Words of Maria Marti Ramos Course: Community Learning (Bunning) For our final reflection, I asked students to share how they would describe Service-Learning to a friend or family member, incorporating their experiences in S-L. This image holds a snippet of the response I received from Maria Marti Ramos. Maria served with Action for Boston Community…

Partner Pathways to Service

Creators: Ezra Acevedo, Katherine Carney, Jessica Carr, Andrew Gyongyosi, Natalie Hackman, Paige Klung, Madison Mcdermott, Logan Meda, Isabel Silva, Abigail Stockmal, Julia Treese, Trever Wehner This is a compilation of drawings done by the students of the S-L Explore class, depicting the academic journey of each student’s community partner. Each student conducted an informational interview…

Cornerstone of Engineering Students Teach Robotics

Creator: Nicole Heller I chose to submit a few pictures that were taken throughout the semester at the service-learning sites. I also provided a description of the class and the service, as well as some quotes from students in the s-l class. This service-learning Cornerstone of Engineering class partners with the Timothy-Smith Network to teach…

Collage of Exploration

Creator: Ava Rognlien A collage made from pieces of media I’ve received throughout the year that are representative of my path to finding a major at Northeastern!…

Sustainable Engineering in Communities Outside of Northeastern

Creators: Whitney Hansberry, Vish Swami Over the semester, students from Prof. Schulte-Grahame’s class put in service hours at both the Clubhouse Network in Roxbury and Beachmont Elementary School’s STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) Club. Isobelle Lim (pictured above), one of the lead mentors at Beachmont who attended the club every other week, said…

Brooke Elmore ME Plan

Creator: Brook Elmore This is a picture of Brooke’s ME Plan, the final project for our class. We chose it because it creatively describes her service-learning experience in an easily digestible medium. We were very impressed by Brooke’s effort and creativity with this project….

Museum of Sustainability and Resiliency

Museum of Sustainability and Resiliency Creator: Simone Harrell and Elena Petillo On Friday April 12th, Professor Kathryn Schulte Grahame and her first year engineering students hosted 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students from Beachmont Memorial School to test their final projects. Throughout the semester, Cornerstones students have been serving at the Clubhouse network and the…