Creator: Zaha Alzaabi These are photographs I took during my Service Learning at United South End Settlements, helping in the younger toddlers classroom. I enjoyed going there every Wednesday afternoon, playing with the kids, interacting with the staff, and learning about early childhood development….
Tag: Photo Story
Cornerstones of Engineering Spring 2019
Creator: Alex Spak These are photos taken at sites across Roxbury where students in the Cornerstone of Engineering class volunteered and taught LEGO Robotics to middle school students….
Information Visualization – Boston Latin Academy photoset
Information Visualization – Boston Latin Academy photoset Creator: Prasanth Murali This slide represents the service from CS 7250. PhD students in the Information Visualization course partnered with Boston Latin Academy to teach Tableau Lessons focused on data visualization to high school students. Mission: work with students by challenging them with a rigorous curriculum to ensure…
826 Boston
Creator: Yuehan Zhen I’d like to show that students are having a good time and being protected in 826 Boston. When I first came to 826 Boston, I saw there is a statue of the Big foot. At first, I thought the big foot is very scary and I did not understand why 826 Boston…
Chinese Painting
Chinese Painting Creator: Lindsey Chin This is a painting that I did during my Service Learning at the Pao Arts Center, helping a traditional Chinese painting class. Most classes I only help out or observe, but one class, the teacher invited me to do the painting along with the rest of the students….
Cornerstone of Engineering Robotics Photo Collage
Cornerstone of Engineering Robotics Photo Collage Creator: Alex Spak Students in the Cornerstone of Engineering course partner with local programs and Roxbury Robotics to teach engineering, robotics, and other hands-on engineering activities to middle school students. View the digital artifact below and click here for more information about each picture….
Connections and Decisions Word Cloud
Artifact created by S-LTA Emily Aoki for Connections and Decisions. …
Sustainable Business Network: Snapshots
SBN: Snapshots Creators: Preston Rakovsky, Ali Hussein, & Adeline Schoen A PDF with the final products of a project where members of an organization were interviewed and photographed. Their quotes are attached to the corresponding images….