HUSV Social Change and Human Services: Student Reflections

Creator: Claire Molinich Course: HUSV1101 Social Change and Human Services Seeing as students from the HUSV 1101, Social Change and Human Services, performed direct service with their community partners, we have collected a myriad of student testimonies. In these accounts, students were able to put into words the impact of their service, takeaways from this…

Service Learning – Sociedad Latina

Creators: Brendan Alam & Julia Leschiner Course: HONR3310 Contemporary Issues in Healthcare For their final project, students described and addressed real community-based healthcare concerns that relate to their Service-Learning experiences. Through a needs assessment, students identify the issues that impact a specific community based on the broad themes covered in class, i.e. health literacy, social…

Simplifying Health Information for Underrepresented Groups

Creators: Aida Wen, Lucia Loosbrock, Gianna Antonacci, Cole Lorig Course: HONR3310 Contemporary Issues in Healthcare For their final project, students described and addressed real community-based healthcare concerns that relate to their Service-Learning experiences. Through a needs assessment, students identify the issues that impact a specific community based on the broad themes covered in class ,…

Service Learning – Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly

Creators: Natalie Desilets, Emma Munro, Alexandra Maropakis Course: HONR3310 Contemporary Issues in Healthcare For their final project, students described and addressed real community-based healthcare concerns that relate to their Service-Learning experiences. Through a needs assessment, students identify the issues that impact a specific community based on the broad themes covered in class, i.e. health literacy,…

Volt Hockey’s ‘Whiplash’ and the Impact of Adaptive Sports

Creators: Jonah Sachs, Stefanie Zidarescu, Hannah Aguirre Course: HONR3310 Contemporary Issues in Healthcare For their final project, students described and addressed real community-based healthcare concerns that relate to their Service-Learning experiences. Through a needs assessment, students identify the issues that impact a specific community based on the broad themes covered in class, i.e. health literacy,…

Addressing the Needs of Adaptive Sports at Boston Brakers

Creators: Nicole Milnes, Pooja Nandhyala, Lindsay Navick Course: HONR3310 Contemporary Issues in Healthcare For their final project, students described and addressed real community-based healthcare concerns that relate to their Service-Learning experiences. Through a needs assessment, students identify the issues that impact a specific community based on the broad themes covered in class, i.e. health literacy,…

Social Isolation and Loneliness in Older Adults

Creators: Angelina King, Ananya Jain, Valerie Tran, Irini Alexandrou Barcelo Course: HONR3310 Contemporary Issues in Healthcare For their final project, students described and addressed real community-based healthcare concerns that relate to their Service-Learning experiences. Through a needs assessment, students identify the issues that impact a specific community based on the broad themes covered in class,…

Maine State Library Health Connect Telehealth Project

Creator: Emily Lim, Eli Delia, Shujun Shen, and Chase Cameron Course: HSCI2850 Special Topics The group’s deliverable was a survey to find capable and interested libraries in Maine to expand telehealth options for rural communities. This artifact is the group’s presentation to the community partner….