Final Deliverable Client Presentation

Creators: Delaney Eagle, Matthew Costanzo, Dua Singh Veeranatham, Yuliang Zhang and Joseph Chou Course: Management Consulting in Organizations (Odom) Abstract: This presentation is the final deliverable that a group of students presented to their respective client at the end of the semester. In the course, Management Consulting in Organizations, students are assigned to a client…

Website Rehabilitation to Increase Stakeholder Reach

Creator: D’Andrea Doyle Course: Projects for Professionals (McNamara) Abstract: D’Andrea Doyle graduated from Hampton University and received her Bachelors of Arts in Print Journalism with a minor in Marketing. She is a student working with the Center on Crime and Community Resilience that partnered with a community partner, Garden of Rebirth, to analyze the main…

BalletRox Project

Creators: Ruiqi Liu, Himanshu Bharambe, Maitreya Vaaze, Gaurav Vadlamudi and Sumanth Reddy Pathuri Course: Engineering Project Management (Bleakney) Abstract: For our project, we chose to work with BalletRox because we are inspired by their mission. Through this project, we redesigned BalletRox’s website using creative and innovative ideas for audients with special needs….

Food Access Final Lesson Plan

Creators: Benjamin LeFevre, Asia Simms, Nancy Hannon and Isabella Caldwell Course: Food Justice & Social Change (Berkey) Abstract: These lesson plans are from our final workshops with Citizen Schools. Each group prepared an hour-long workshop to teach middle schoolers about a specific aspect of food justice….

Let’s Get Ready Consumer Behavior Marketing Plan

Creators: Adit Ambani, Khalid Alkhalifa, Sanjana Bhansali, Thomas Howse, David Lucier, Lilly Olson and Neav Topaz Course: Consumer Behavior (Steffel) Abstract: In this presentation, the goal was to leverage course learnings to develop a marketing plan for an initiative for a Boston business that will address a consumer-related challenge and give back to the community….

Food Production Lesson Plan

Creators: Rianna Rosenberg, Lucienne Dunaway and Margaret Clark Course: Food Justice & Social Change (Berkey) Abstract: This artifact is the lesson plan from our workshop with Citizen Schools. Students conducted 1-hour long workshops on an aspect of food justice with middle schoolers….

Reflections on Our Connections

Creators: The Students of Professor Leavitt’s Connections and Decisions Course Course: Connections and Decisions (Leavitt) Abstract: Our artifact is a PowerPoint presentation that contains reflections from all of our students on their S-L experiences. They used words and images to describe their experience and what they learned, as well as how the COVID-19 pandemic has…