Creators: Mike Tomase, Leif Stevens, Michaela Boneva, Owen Graham O’Regan, Sophia Russinoff, Zoe Papastoitsis, Jake Long, and Nina Jiang Course: Advanced Writing in the Social Sciences (Gonso) Abstract: These are teasers of profiles written by students in Kat Gonso’s Advanced Writing in the Social Sciences course for the Black Umbrella Project (which has a mission…
Tag: Reflection & Blog Post
Reflection on S-L and Class Curriculum Through Quotes
Creators: The Students of Professor Harrington Education in the Community Course: Education in the Community (Harrington) Abstract: This are some students quotes from the end-of-semester reflection on the course and their service-learning experience….
Student Reflections of S-L in an Upper Level Biology Course (BIOL5593)
Creators: McKayla Van Orden, Kirsten Mallon, Justin Choy, Sabrina Zhou, Kellie Phipps, Amanda Du, Erin Carroll and Gabrielle Hernandez Course: Cell and Molecular Biology of Aging (Apfeld) Abstract: This video highlights the S-L experience of several students in Dr. Apfeld’s Cell and Molecular Biology of Aging course. This video focuses on the student’s reflection of…
Exploring Majors Through Service
Creators: Nikki Felice, Dylan Dhindsa and Rebecca Hamberg Course: Connections and Decisions (Hoger) Abstract: We had our students reflect on how their service helped inform their major choice and career paths. Below are some of the best answers and reflections that we have received from students….
Michael Ambrozia’s Reflection on Serving with Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly
Creator: Michael Ambrozia Course: Advanced Spanish Conversation: Global Communication (Brucato) Abstract: This is a video reflection of the service experience of Michael Ambrozia, who was placed with Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly this semester. His reflection demonstrates how the service experience helped elevate the course material by providing it with real life context. Also,…
Volunteering with Family Gym During a Pandemic
Creator: Abdulrahman Gari Course: Human Services and Social Change (Gardinier) Abstract: This is a small blog post talking about my experience working with Family Gym during a pandemic….
My Service Learning Experience with BalletRox Blogpost
Creator: Brittany Williams Course: Human Services and Social Change (Gardinier) Abstract: I chose to do a blogpost because I truly felt like this experience was life changing and so impactful on what I want to do in the future. I thought the best way for me to present that was in the form of me…
Big Data for Cities, City Exploration 3
Creators: Larissa Morikawa and Gabriel Villar Course: Big Data for Cities (O’Brien) Abstract: These blogposts reflect students’ city walk explorations and their reflection on their experience. Throughout the semester, students completed 3 city walks each, and these examples of their 3rd walk reflect how much they have learned from the explorations, the course, and the…
Reflection on Service Learning
Creator: Kari Hoegh Course: Human Services and Social Change (Gardinier) Abstract: I chose to write a reflection about my experience during service-learning this semester. I worked at United South End Settlements (USES) focusing on financial literacy. Despite having to serve online, I really enjoyed my semester contributing to the amazing work they do at USES….
H.E.R.E. Narratives Project – Student Reflections
Creators: The Students in Professor Gonso’s Creative Writing Course Course: Creative Writing (Gonso) Abstract: These are reflections from our students in their work with the HERE Justice Coalition, interviewing residents of the Hyde Park neighborhood and writing narratives on their lives and relationships with their community. These brief statements highlight the thoughtful attitude our students…