Creator(s): Ciara Gregovich, Kara Bride, Natalie Vercillo, Chelsea Abplanalp, Daniel Capps Course: PPUA6509 Techniques of Program Evaluation Program Evaluation: Founded in 2010 by a professional violinist, Shelter Music Boston (SMB) provides classical music concerts to individuals in low-income housing sites, substance use disorder treatment programs, single adult and family shelters, and after-school children’s programs in…
Tag: Report
Project Flourish Evaluation Plan
Creator(s): Adriana Mendoza, Jessica Mahon, Fangyu Zhao, Emily Henderson, Zhaoyu Wang Course: PPUA6509 Techniques of Program Evaluation Program Evaluation: Project Flourish is an apprenticeship program designed to develop early childhood specialists through a combination of classroom instruction and on-the-job training, mentoring, pay increases when benchmarks are reached, and, upon graduation, professional certifications. Project Flourish seeks…
Love Your Menses Evaluation Plan
Creator(s): Rebecca Rokne, Josephine Tracy, Destiny Harden, Kiana Lloyd, Alexandra Kane Course: PPUA6509 Techniques of Program Evaluation Program Evaluation: The co-founder and executive director of Love Your Menses, Dr. Ebere Azumah and Asriel Walker, wants to understand both the strengths and weaknesses that have occurred in the first year of the Postpartum and Education Support…
LendaHand Alliance Cohort Evaluation
Creator(s): Jonah Williams, Matthew Blackbourn, Michael Hori, Godwin Ilenre Course: PPUA6509 Techniques of Program Evaluation Program Evaluation: Through the inaugural LendaHand Alliance Cohort, Lending Tree Foundation supports nonprofits expanding access to art and artists, helping people rise above addiction to return to building their communities, improving financial and technological literacy, and increasing the supply of…
FSEM 1000 Community Organizing Alliance Final Reports
Creator(s): Camille Boer, Elena Grant, Ella Young, George Decker, Grace De Hoogh, Katherine Leichty, Lauren Ballengee, Lilly O’Meara, Maria Bisono Turull, Abby Moore, Rachel Tulk, Radhika Suri Course: FSEM1000 Connections & Decisions Our students spent the semester researching and compiling information and connections for the Community Organizing Alliance. The COA currently serves the Greater Maine…
Pivot Fund Survey Report
Creator(s): Gabriel Cohen Course: JRNL5480 Research for Media Strategy This is a final report of the survey and analysis our students performed for their service learning partner….
Fashion Revolution USA: Final Report
Creator(s): Natalia Garcia, Adroh Agou, Ivoryanna Calvery Course: Projects for Professionals Throughout our discussions with Kathleen, she focused on the importance of the work that Fashion Revolution USA does, why they think a Director of Fundraising role would be beneficial to them, and what they are looking for in a candidate. Kathleen let us know…
Proposing Energy Democracy & Climate Resilience Solitions
Creators: Cassidy Chang, Israel Collazo-Luciano, Suyog Vilas Zagadu, Nicole Duffe, Ray Yu, Faris Muhtadi, Madison Prifti, Madeleine Guglielmi, Lucie Amidon, Saul Blain, Catherine Clement, Liana Greenberg-Nielsen, Sabrina McClain, Alexander Cherney, Elizabeth Zhorov, Course: PPUA5264 Energy Democracy and Climate Resilience The students of the Energy Democracy and Climate Resilience course collaborated in teams with different community…
Cultural Consulting Project Report
Creators: Monty Puaar and Lauren Rekhson Course: CMN 6085 Strategies for Cross-Cultural Facilitation and Negotiation A written report about the best way for Fashion Revolution Turkey to implement a volunteer management lifecycle/journey/road map…
Cultural Consulting Project Report: Fashion Revolution Turkey — Volunteerism & Instagram Influencers
Creators: Brooke Satti Charles & Kelsea Floyd Course: CMN 6085 Strategies for Cross-Cultural Facilitation and Negotiation A presentation and written report on how Fashion Revolution Turkey can attract and maintain volunteers to help with their mission…