Cell Division

Creators: Sarah Shiferaw, Pearl Miller, Nikita Sam, Alex Yuen Course: Inquiries in Biology (McElligott) Abstract: With the switch to online service due to COVID-19, our students were able to create a lesson plan and film a video for our partner’s youtube channel. I picked this one as it demonstrated how we were able to adapt…

Visualization Demo Video

Creators: Matthew Martin, Sindhu Majeti, Hari Vignesh Muralikrishnan and Joshua Myles Course: Presentation & Visualization This course is a project-based service-learning class. Students are required to complete a semester-long project by creating visualizations that meet their partner’s asks. This artifact is a demo video that the student group voice over to demonstrate the visualization that…

Service-Learning Video – Kat Gonso 1st Year Writing

Creators: Students of Professor Gonso’s First Year Writing Course: First-Year Writing (Gonso) We made a video to illustrate what our first-year students took out of service-learning in the short time they had to engage with 826. https://youtu.be/YJSrpRI4wPk…

Students’ Reflections on Service-Learning in BIOL5593: Cell and Molecular Biology of Aging

Creator: Natalie D’Ambra Throughout the semester, students were asked reflect on their service-learning experience in blog posts. This video shows the different opinions students had about S-L and how it has impacted their learning. Both Javier and I (the S-LTA) were impressed by the thought that was put into these responses and wanted to share…

S-L in 1 Word

Creator: Keelin Fitzsimons Summing up a semester in one word is tough, but we asked our students to think of just one word that represents this semester in S-L. Due to the variety of partners the students in our class were serving with, we wanted everyone to be involved in the submission and everyone’s answer…

Ava Serra ME Plan

Creator: Ava Serra This is an excerpt from Eva’s ME Plan, which is the final project for students in our class. Using the alphabet as the theme for her video, she mentions her service-learning site as one of the defining moments in her first semester….

Bird Street Organization

Bird Street Organization Creators: Maria Grunauer, Thelma Mogensen, Carlos Genie, Solveig Kagge This video shows our service place which was Bird Street. We give a brief tour of all the place, including the areas where we performed. Also, we explained our main role in the organization. Moreover, we interviewed our supervisor Jamel, who is in…