Creators: Edward Li, Eninam Takougnadi, John Steinbrecher, & Joshua Paul Rodriguez Course: Information Presentation & Visualization (Borkin) Our artifact is a video demo of an interactive data visualization we created for our DS4200 class in partnership with Chester Square Neighbors. They are an organization dedicated to promoting the health, well-being, and security of the Chester…
Category: Fall 2021
Service-Learning in Interdisciplinary Research Methods for PPE
Creator: Kelly Marchese Course: 3000 Interdisciplinary Methods for Politics, Philosophy, and Economics This infographic provides a summary of our Service-Learning experiences in PHIL3300. While completing S-L hours each week, writing weekly reflections, and learning with each other, the students were able to make connections to course content and learn many other lessons. Throughout the semester,…
Our FSEM Reflection Cloud
Creator: Pippa Lenderking Course: 1000 Connections & Decisions (Community Organizing and Mutual Aid) – Chelsea Lauder Our course chose to make a word cloud because we wanted the chance to collaborate as a class for our final reflection. We reflected on our experiences working with the South End Community Fridge and wrote down words that…
Community Fridge Observation Review
Creator: Brady Duncan Course: 1111 First Year Writing (Garrett) I made a short video describing what I did for my service project, what I observed, and any recommendations for anyone in the future that may take on the same project. View video here:…
Analyzing Property and Code Violations in Roxbury
Creator: Inanna Pickering Course: 5262 Big Data for Cities This presentation is a part of my semester long analysis of property and code violations in the Greater Boston area. These violations take place from 2010-2020. I spent the semester looking at trends in the data and thinking about potential policy implications and solutions. …
What Do You Want Your Impact To Be?
Creators: Students from FSEM1000 Course: Connections & Decisions (Leavitt) This artifact contains a word cloud based upon students reflections on what they want their impact to be on the world, and how their service- learning role fits into this. Our class’s service theme was youth development and student’s partnered with EV Kids, Hyde Square Task…
Music and Social Justice Collaboration with the Roxbury Cultural District
Creators: Angela Deluca, Joseph Franjieh, and Katie Dowell Course: 3351 Music and Social Justice (Moore) This artifact contains a presentation given by three students who worked with the Roxbury Cultural District. The students interviewed local artists who participated in the RCD’s annual event “Nubian Nights.” They also completed background research on the event’s origin and…
Health & Wellness Map
Creators: Kay Fleischner, Charlotte Dinsmore, & Vania Sulley Course: The Nonprofit Sector, Philanthropy, & Social Change (Riccio) Our map visualizes our emerging understandings of the systems that impact access to physical health and wellness. This includes but is not limited to access to physical activities, access to green space, nutrition education, and so on. These…
Oral History Project for Intermediate German 1
Creators: Stephen Landry, Junhe (Michael) Liu, Gozde Ozcan, Emily Riker, & Kasra von Andrian-Werburg Course: Intermediate German 1 (Ward) This artifact is a website with brief excerpts of the reflections from each student after having both of their conversations with their partners and a picture of all of the students and community partners. This represents…
Noise Complaints in Respect to Trees in Chester Square Park
Creators: Megan Nguyen, Jisiyuan Cheng, Michael Kim Course: Information Presentation & Visualization (Borkin) Our project will primarily focus on the discovery of the neighborhood’s trees and how they affect noise complaints in the neighborhood. We will discover the current distribution of trees and green spaces around the neighborhood, and discover how noise complaints correlate to…