Blueberries and Forest Video

Creator: Samantha Yap Course: Nutrition and Public Health (Janisch) Abstract: This artifact is a video teaching the nutritional benefits of eating blueberries for kids that one of my students made for Family Gym. The class chose to submit this project since they were very impressed with how Samantha used animation and color to make the…

Biological Journeys College & Career Panel Q&A

Creators: Sooji Kim, Emily Burke, Catherine LeBlanc, and Alyssa Cordes Course: Biology Capstone (Begley) Abstract: A group of our S-L students led a virtual college & career panel entitled “Biological Journeys: A Northeastern University Student Panel” at the annual Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts STEM Conference. The goal of this panel was to give high…

Managing Dynamic and Mobile Ad-hoc Networks Through Interactive Visualizations: A Design Study Approach for a Customer in the Development Phase with Changing Requirements

Creators: Justin Raynor, Tianrui Hu, and Colin Keil Course: Information Visualization: Theory and Applications (Dunne) Abstract: The complexity of network infrastructure makes it vulnerable to natural disasters, attacks, and technical problems. One solution to this is to deliver cost effective and rapidly deployable communications infrastructure by setting up dynamic and ad hoc networks. However, it’s…

Welcome to the Tundra!

Creator: Abigail Keane Course: Nutrition and Public Health (Janisch) Abstract: This artifact is an infographic explaining the nutritional benefits of beets and apricots that one of my students made for Family Gym. The students chose to submit this project since they were impressed with how Abbie creatively made the theme of the week, the tundra,…

Cooking with Kids Video

Creators: Karan Kishorepuria, Om Sanjay Dabhi, and Alicia Etwaru Course: Nutrition and Public Health (Janisch) Abstract: This artifact is a cooking video for kids that my students made for Fenway CDC. They chose to submit this project since they were very proud of how they creatively delivered quick recipes for nutritious and delicious snacks….

Final Deliverable – Old West Church

Creators: Matthew Lucido, Warin Sae Sae, and Hanxi Chang Course: Management Consulting in Organization (Odom) Abstract: Through the project that the students completed for Old West Church they were able to help Reverend Sara secure $2.5million dollars in endowment for the church….

Memorable Moments from Community Learning 2

Creator: Yu Xia (Lily) Chen Wu Course: Community Learning 2 (Bunning) Abstract: This artifact contains key words that emerged in the final course debrief session about memorable moments from the semester. The course focuses on the development of professional communication skills, and many students commented on how their feelings, attitudes, relationships, and involvement changed throughout…