Student Reflections on Tutoring

Creator(s): Haya Alsabeeh, Dareen Bakr, Alondra Castro-Valadez, Sandra Castro-Valadez, Kyle Chen, Josiehanna Colon, Sichen Du, Alina Gonzalez, Grace Haseltine, Celia Jenkins, Xinying Li, Ashley Lopez, Sammie Martin, Eric Shi, Sofía Spaziani, Tahmid Washy, Jingyi Ye Course: EDUC1111 Education in the Community A compilation of quotes from students surrounding their experience with volunteering this semester. They…

HUSV Social Change and Human Services: Student Reflections

Creator(s): Claire Molinich, Jasmine Gutierrez Course: HUSV1101 Social Change and Human Services Seeing as students from the HUSV 1101, Social Change and Human Services, performed direct service with their community partners, we have collected a myriad of student testimonies. In these accounts, students were able to put into words the impact of their service, takeaways…

Reflections on Our Service Learning

Creator: Hans Van Der Sande Course: EDUC1111 Education in the Community This artifact is the compilation of students’ thoughts and reflections at the end of their class. Students were asked to reflect on their experiences in service learning, make connections to class work, and give advice on what they wish they knew when starting….

HUSV Social Change and Human Services: Student Reflections

Creator: Claire Molinich Course: HUSV1101 Social Change and Human Services Seeing as students from the HUSV 1101, Social Change and Human Services, performed direct service with their community partners, we have collected a myriad of student testimonies. In these accounts, students were able to put into words the impact of their service, takeaways from this…

Service Learning – BIOL 2299

Creators: Students from BIOL2299 Inquiries in Biological Sciences Class Course: BIOL2299 Inquiries in Biological Sciences This is a summary of all the partnerships and the students’ work in Dr. McElligott’s BIOL2299 Service-Learning section. Each group’s work is highlighted, along with a brief synopsis of their missions and goals. Though every group went about it in…

We think Service-Learning is…

Creators: Alex Jacobs and Beyer Bullard Course: Social Change and Human Services Our VEXPO artifact is a word cloud made from responses to a written reflection assignment in which we asked our students to provide one word that described their service experience.The Social Change and Human Services courses partner with a wide range of community…