Creators: Nikki Felice, Dylan Dhindsa and Rebecca Hamberg Course: Connections and Decisions (Hoger) Abstract: We had our students reflect on how their service helped inform their major choice and career paths. Below are some of the best answers and reflections that we have received from students….
Category: Fall 2020
Service-Learning Through Tutoring
Creator: Marisol Pacheco Course: Human Services and Social Change (Gardinier) Abstract: My artifact is a quick infographic on my service-learning journey and some of the tasks I completed while engaging in service-learning. It represents my partnership because it shows the work I did with my tutee….
Introduction Recruitment Flyers for Older Adults at LBFE
Creators: Adam Bubanich, Rholee Xu and Jesse Kallins Course: Advanced Chinese 2 (Dong) Abstract: These are flyers that showcase the students who are participating in the weekly conversation sessions with Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly, as well as the Zoom information for the sites and the day/time of their sessions. The purpose of the…
Virtual Expo Poster
Creator: Ashley Marino Course: Nutrition and Public Health (Janisch) Abstract: This graphic serves as an overview of our service-learning collaboration this semester as well as some student reflections….
College Access for Boston Residents
Creators: Anna Beidelman, Mercy Lopez, Gabriela Romero and Hannah Rickert Course: The Nonprofit Sector, Philanthropy, and Social Change (Riccio) Abstract: Our artifact is a systems map of college access in Boston that explores the interconnectedness of the complex elements at play….
Job Security and COVID-19
Creators: Rachel Joseph and Isabella Lopez Course: Honors Studio: Data Science for Social Justice (Strange) Abstract: Our presentation demonstrates the impact of COVID-19 on job security among individuals of different socioeconomic status and across industries. The data visualizations show the disparities in unemployment rate, as low-income individuals experienced the greatest decline in employment as a…
The Rose Foundation: Business Incubator Evaluation Plan
Creators: Madeleine Kansanen, Janelle Robinson, Rachel Savas, Nina Waskiewicz and Dejah Williams Course: Techniques of Program Evaluation (Yom) Abstract: This is an evaluation plan created for the Rose Foundation. Students worked on these projects all semester in conjunction with their community partners to create an evaluation plan that would fit their partner’s needs….
Cornerstone of Engineering Virtual STEM Workshops
Creators: Maggie SextonDwyer and The Students in Professor Freeman’s Corner Stones of Engineering Course Course: Cornerstones of Engineering (Freeman) Abstract: This is the story of our class’s virtual service-learning experience. Through this video, we hope to share our challenges and triumphs, and show that meaningful connections can still be created in these unprecedented times….
Marketing Plan for Old North Church and Historic Site to Strengthen Local Relationships & Improve Public Perception
Creators: Kathryn May, Olivia Mckenelley, Donald McKenney, Mary Olvera and Rayana Radueva Course: Consumer Behavior (Steffel) Abstract: In this presentation, the goal was to leverage course learnings to develop a marketing plan for an initiative for a Boston business that will address a consumer-related challenge and give back to the community….
Each One Teach One: An Evaluation Plan
Creators: Kaleem Ahmid, Nwabisi Chikwendu, Timothy Leung and Kaylie DeCosmo Course: Techniques of Program Evaluation (Yom) Abstract: This is an evaluation plan created for Each One Teach One. Students worked on these projects all semester in conjunction with their community partners to create an evaluation plan that would fit their partner’s needs….