Math, Magic, Puzzles, and Games Kruskal Count and Set

Creators: Cole Lorig, Shayna Teitelbaum and Tansey Vordonis Course: Math Magic Puzzles & Games (Eigen) Abstract: The artifact is a digital poster that explains the different math based magic tricks and games. Because of the pandemic, we did have a learning partner, but we still made several presentations for Citizen Schools about the math behind…

Let’s Get Ready Consumer Behavior Marketing Plan

Creators: Adit Ambani, Khalid Alkhalifa, Sanjana Bhansali, Thomas Howse, David Lucier, Lilly Olson and Neav Topaz Course: Consumer Behavior (Steffel) Abstract: In this presentation, the goal was to leverage course learnings to develop a marketing plan for an initiative for a Boston business that will address a consumer-related challenge and give back to the community….

Evolution Simulators and Mafia

Creators: Luke Martin, Andrew Babb, Marco Tortolani and Noah Colbert Course: Math Magic Puzzles & Games (Eigen) Abstract: This infographic is an overview of our two presentations on evolution simulators and the party-game Mafia. We chose an infographic because it highlights some of the important aspects of our work….

Reflections on Our Connections

Creators: The Students of Professor Leavitt’s Connections and Decisions Course Course: Connections and Decisions (Leavitt) Abstract: Our artifact is a PowerPoint presentation that contains reflections from all of our students on their S-L experiences. They used words and images to describe their experience and what they learned, as well as how the COVID-19 pandemic has…

Food Production Lesson Plan

Creators: Rianna Rosenberg, Lucienne Dunaway and Margaret Clark Course: Food Justice & Social Change (Berkey) Abstract: This artifact is the lesson plan from our workshop with Citizen Schools. Students conducted 1-hour long workshops on an aspect of food justice with middle schoolers….

Nutrition and Public Health – Group 4 Final Deliverable

Creators: Huy Nguyen, Kelsey Sherriff and Rosie Zhang Course: Nutrition and Public Health (Janisch) Abstract: The work featured here highlights the weekly content submissions students created for distribution to the families of the Family Gym. Each group selected their favorite piece from this semester to be shared….

Guided Yoga and Meditation for Kids

Creators: Alexa Ferranti, Erica Su, Madison Doherty and Cilenna Colon Course: Psychosocial Aspects of Healthcare (Golub-Victor) Abstract: This video represents the Service-Learning projects our physical therapy course created this semester. The students developed a guided yoga and meditation video for Family Gym. It is an excellent illustration of the connection between our course material and…