The Intersection of Music and Climate Change

Creator: Camden Dean Course: 3351 Music and Social Justice This artifact contains a presentation narrated by a student who researched the intersection of music and climate change. She will be submitting her research and conclusions with a local city counselor in order to improve sustainability of local venues. While this was not a direct S-L…

Apprentice Learning: Launch+

Creators: Cory Luk, Ian McLaughlin, Jennifer Adisoetjahya Course: Information Presentation & Visualization (Borkin) Our artifact is a video showing the visualization we created for our community partner, Apprentice Learning. At the beginning of the semester, Apprentice Learning communicated that they wanted to visualize the impact they have had on their students. We analyzed our data,…

Math, Magic, Puzzles, and Games at sySTEMic Flow!

Creators: Katie McLaughlin, Jonathan Kopel, Andrew Otvos, Audrey Romanik, Matthew Schonberg, Martina Ferrari Course: Math, Magic, Puzzles, & Games (Eigen) Northeastern students were asked to put together a one-page virtual poster to summarize their experience presenting to younger students to highlight the information they taught the younger students….

The Importance of Digital Literacy in Combating Pandemic-Era Social Isolation in Older Adults

Creators: Maddie Szoo, Kathan Ramnath, and Delaney Vinaixa Course: 3310 Contemporary Issues in Health Care This presentation was given to our class and submitted along with an essay detailing takeaways from Little Brothers: Friends of the Elderly and the importance of digital literacy in combating pandemic-era social isolation in older adults….

How Have MCAS and NAEP Math Scores Evolved Over Time for Boston Public Schools?

Creators: Dean Patel, Qi Li, & Taoli Zhao Course: Information Presentation & Visualization (Borkin) This artifact is a website to help Bridge To Calculus demonstrate to its funders the need to address a growing math skills gap between demographic groups in Boston Public Schools. It includes an interactive-web visualization created using D3 to use MCAS…

Traffic Along Massachusetts Avenue

Creators: Hannah Lauterwasser, Ryan Dombrowski, Bartosz Mamro Course: Information Presentation & Visualization (Borkin) Chester Square Neighbors is an organization working in the Chester Square neighborhood of Boston, Massachusetts. Chester Square Neighbors works closely with the city of Boston, the residents of the area, and the surrounding businesses in order to develop plans to improve quality…