Cornerstone of Engineering SEC 11 First-Year Reflections

Creator(s): Jordan Flores Course: GE1501 Cornerstones of Engineering A collection of first-year students final reflections on service learning this spring semester. I chose for the students to respond via video so that they could speak freely and easily express their reflection. The videos can be accessed through the QR code….

Food Justice Summit Blog Post

Creator(s): Stephanie Da Costa Pereira Course: ENGW3308 Advanced Writing in the Social Sciences Stephanie details her time spent working on the Food Justice Summit, with our partner NU Mutual Aid, and how it connected with her skills, expanding her knowledge about Food Insecurity, classwork and time spent serving at the mobile Food Pantry for NU…

Conversation with elderly German citizens: Intercultural and intergenerational connection and learning (Intermediate German 1)

Creator(s): Elana von der Heyden Course: GRMN2101 Intermediate German I This artifact is a compilation of snippets from student reflections about their experience with service-learning this semester. Students conducted two “interviews” with an elderly German citizen over the course of the semester, both of which were conducted in German. In their reflections, they discussed what…

Conversation with elderly German citizens: Intercultural and intergenerational connection and learning (Advanced German 1)

Creator(s): Elana von der Heyden Course: GRMN3101 Advanced German 1 This artifact is a compilation of snippets from student reflections about their experience with service-learning this semester. Students conducted two “interviews” with an elderly German citizen over the course of the semester, both of which were conducted in German. In their reflections, they discussed what…

Student Reflections on Tutoring

Creator(s): Haya Alsabeeh, Dareen Bakr, Alondra Castro-Valadez, Sandra Castro-Valadez, Kyle Chen, Josiehanna Colon, Sichen Du, Alina Gonzalez, Grace Haseltine, Celia Jenkins, Xinying Li, Ashley Lopez, Sammie Martin, Eric Shi, Sofía Spaziani, Tahmid Washy, Jingyi Ye Course: EDUC1111 Education in the Community A compilation of quotes from students surrounding their experience with volunteering this semester. They…

Reflections and Moments Through Service

Creator: Emily Baubinas Course: EDUC1111 Education in the Community Each week when submitting their service hours, students presented their best or most impactful moment of that day. Toward the end of their service with their community partners, students were asked reflection questions that further solidified how much service impacted them and their view of the…