Supporting the Food Security Mission of Lifeboat Boston

Creators: Garrett Smith, Kristin D’Angelo, Grace Nobile, Natalie Marra, Aidan McDonald Wojciechowski, and Aleksandr Gritsinin Course: Interdisciplinary Advanced Writing: Food Justice (Garrett) Abstract: In this video artifact, student Garrett Smith describes his opportunity to work on the Lifeboat Community Website along with his peers to create a space of nutritional learning for the Boston community,…

Student Reflections of S-L in an Upper Level Biology Course (BIOL5593)

Creators: McKayla Van Orden, Kirsten Mallon, Justin Choy, Sabrina Zhou, Kellie Phipps, Amanda Du, Erin Carroll and Gabrielle Hernandez Course: Cell and Molecular Biology of Aging (Apfeld) Abstract: This video highlights the S-L experience of several students in Dr. Apfeld’s Cell and Molecular Biology of Aging course. This video focuses on the student’s reflection of…

Cornerstone of Engineering Virtual STEM Workshops

Creators: Maggie SextonDwyer and The Students in Professor Freeman’s Corner Stones of Engineering Course Course: Cornerstones of Engineering (Freeman) Abstract: This is the story of our class’s virtual service-learning experience. Through this video, we hope to share our challenges and triumphs, and show that meaningful connections can still be created in these unprecedented times….

Nutrition and Public Health – Group 2 Final Deliverable

Creators: Holly Coppes, Limor Makhani and Yael Mayer Weisleder Course: Nutrition and Public Health (Janisch) Abstract: The work featured here highlights the weekly content submissions students created for distribution to the families of the Family Gym. Each group selected their favorite piece from this semester to be shared….

The Lasting Effects of Redlining in Boston

Creators: Gabrielle Harrison, Nadine Kuhn, Nicholas Zhang, Akshay Thorat, Srikrishna Ram, Jason Kumar and Rudradeep Biswas Course: Engineering Project Management (Bleakney) Abstract: This presentation represents the service our group did with the Afrimerican Culture Initiative, Inc. In it, we discuss some of the lasting consequences of redlining in Boston, including food apartheid, educational disparities, and…

Nutrition and Public Health – Group 4 Final Deliverable

Creators: Huy Nguyen, Kelsey Sherriff and Rosie Zhang Course: Nutrition and Public Health (Janisch) Abstract: The work featured here highlights the weekly content submissions students created for distribution to the families of the Family Gym. Each group selected their favorite piece from this semester to be shared….

Guided Yoga and Meditation for Kids

Creators: Alexa Ferranti, Erica Su, Madison Doherty and Cilenna Colon Course: Psychosocial Aspects of Healthcare (Golub-Victor) Abstract: This video represents the Service-Learning projects our physical therapy course created this semester. The students developed a guided yoga and meditation video for Family Gym. It is an excellent illustration of the connection between our course material and…

Visualization of Type Usage in R

Creators: Yulia Belyakova, Younes El Idrissi and Cameron Moy Course: Information Visualization: Theory and Applications This project visualizes the results of a dynamic analysis of function calls in a large number of R packages. The analysis records information about the type signatures of the function calls. The visualization is designed for exploration and analysis of…