Education in the Community

Creators: The Students of Professor Harrington’s Education in the Community Course Course: Education in the Community (Harrington) Abstract: This infographic takes quotes from students in EDUC1111 from the Fall 2020 semester describing what they loved about this course, what they learned, why they would recommend it to other students, and some advices to incoming students!…

Nutrition and Public Health – Group 6 Final Deliverable

Creators: Amanda Hickey, Abigail Leavitt and Jacqueline Nguyen Course: Nutrition and Public Health (Janisch) Abstract: The work featured here highlights the weekly content submissions students created for distribution to the families of the Family Gym. Each group selected their favorite piece from this semester to be shared….

ABCD’s Foster Grandparents Program: Communication Strategy

Creators: Mengdi Liu and Nageeb Hassan Course: Projects for Professionals (McNamara) Abstract: The Foster Grandparents Program (FGP) has been in existence since the establishment of the Community Action Network in 1964 based on the Economic Opportunity Act. FGP relies on grants and support from AmeriCorps and volunteers who work to mentor the young and vulnerable…

MIDA Marketing Plan

Creators: Caroline Baldwin, Abby Cervera, Roisin Finn, Zach Horowitz, Justin Lin, Joe Nisbet and Lucinda Saufley Course: Consumer Behavior (Steffel) Abstract: In this presentation, the goal was to leverage course learnings to develop a marketing plan for an initiative for a Boston business that will address a consumer-related challenge and give back to the community….

Catch Our Breath

Creators: Lisarleth Perez, Yijing Yang and Jiaao Xue Course: Projects for Professionals (Powers) Abstract: As a start-up organization Catch Our Breath (COB) should make a huge effort to put themselves in the media environment. However, to do this the organization should follow some steps like developing the messages because it is essential. The mission, vision,…

Service & Class

Creators: JJ French & The Students of Professor Roe’s Connections and Decisions Course Course: Connections and Decisions (Roe) Abstract: This artifact is an infographic compiled using anecdotes and quotes from students in the class about their service experience. In particular, it draws connections between service and their major exploration process….

Final Deliverable Client Presentation

Creators: Delaney Eagle, Matthew Costanzo, Dua Singh Veeranatham, Yuliang Zhang and Joseph Chou Course: Management Consulting in Organizations (Odom) Abstract: This presentation is the final deliverable that a group of students presented to their respective client at the end of the semester. In the course, Management Consulting in Organizations, students are assigned to a client…